Please ensure the panto consent forms and payments are submitted, to enable the visit to go ahead.

Sports events and festival dates

This year, in our commitment for all of our children to participate in more sporting events, we have joined the Buckingham Festival of Sport. Please look at the flier for the fixture dates.
We will let you know, when we are notified officially, of the event and ask that you contact our school office to inform us of your wish for your child to take part. 
The groups which participate are small, so if your child is not selected to participate, there will be another chance for them to take part.
Some of the sessions take place at Buckingham Primary School, Page Hill Buckingham.  Some of the sessions will take place at the Royal Latin School Buckingham, London Road Buckingham.
We will send information about times, locations and where to park, separately.
Parents are asked to remain at the event, whilst it is taking place.